this is a wip & tbh mostly just for me to keep track of stuff i might need rn, maybe i'll pretty it up later?
THE list of all listsscreenfly - see how your website looks on diff resolutions
htmlcolorcodes - pick a color and get the hex code
tile checker - check if the image you have tiles nicely
waifu2x - embiggen an image so it doesn't look like shit
transparent textures
catbox - upload shit
scrapbooking pngs - transparent lil doodads
eggramen templates
various wesources
css pattern bgs
organizational advice
caesium compressor - image compression program
flightrising rounded button generator - plus link to the actual page w/ them all
bechnokid's code snippets - specifically the caret menu (mine's broken :( )
css borders w/ image tutorial
javascript java tutorial
fun symbols i like - arrows & shit
fool lovers - jpn site pixels & templates
kalechips layouts - i love love love a lot of these templates & might use them for some character shrines
owl's templates - pinkerbelle
repth templates layouts
teppys layouts/sozai
tessisamess - seamless patterns
css layout generator
searchable gifs
transparent stickers
blinkies cafe - make a blinkie
patternicomake ur own tileable bg
bakeneko - VERY cute sozai
betty's graphic collection - SOOOO many
bonnibell's graphic collection
jasminnie - more lil pixels and stuff
jpn sozai (natsume)
tons of tileable bgs
a public domain art horde